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recommended boston area events

tuesday, december 4th

kelly hogan

@ johnny d's

thursday, december 6th

conor oberst

@ converse hall, tremont st.

thursday, december 6th

jason isbell &

the 400 unit

@ the sinclair

friday, december 7th

the weisstronauts 14th

annual holiday jubilee

with guests tsunami of sound

preacher jack, & the derangers

@ the midway cafe, jp

friday, december 7th


moving mountains


@ the sinclair

saturday, december 8th

patrick watson

@ the sinclair

saturday, december 8th

the faint perform

"danse macabre"


icky blossoms

@ the paradise

sunday, december 9th

band of horses

@ house of blues

sunday, december 9th



@ the paradise

wednesday, december 12th

concrete blonde

jim bianco

@ the sinclair

thursday, december 13th

annual boston christmas cavalcade

benefit for the homeless

featuring tons of artists

(see fb event for details)

@ johnny d's

thursday, december 13th

nada surf

eternal summers

@ the paradise

thursday, december 13th

mates of state

in the valley below

@ brighton music hall

friday, december 14th

forgetters (blake from

jawbreaker's band)

& more tba

@ democracy center, harvard square

sunday, december 30th

sufjan stevens

sheila saputo

@ the royale

monday, december 31st

my morning jacket

@ agganis arena

monday, december 31st

deer tick

two gallants

@ the sinclair

monday, january 7th


@ the paradise

tuesday, january 8th


@ great scott

saturday, january 19th

mission of burma

@ the sinclair

sunday, january 20th

camper van beethoven


@ the middle east down

sunday, january 20th


@ the orpheum

sunday, january 20th

ra ra riot

@ the paradise

sunday, january 27th


@ great scott

tuesday, january 29th

kathleen edwards

sera cahoone

@ brighton music hall

wednesday, february 13th

yo la tengo

@ the paradise

saturday, march 2nd

unknown mortal orchestra

@ brighton music hall

tuesday, march 12th

tame impala

@ house of blues

thursday, march 14th

jukebox the ghost

matt pond pa

lighthouse and the whaler

@ brighton music hall

tuesday, march 26th

yo la tengo

@ the paradise

wednesday & thursday

april 3rd & 4th

they might be giants

@ the paradise

visit tourfilter for more shows

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Consumption Junction

Went on a mini-spending spree this past week, what with the birthday donations and a bit of disposable income. Picked up some very cool books, games, and discs, including...
  • Must I Paint You A Picture?: The Essential Billy Bragg - While I've got most of the albums that this 'hits' collection pulls from, the extra cd of rarities makes this purchase so, so worth it.

  • Wheat: Per Second Per Second Per Second... Every Second - A long, long wait between Wheat albums finally gives us this new one. I can only hope it measures up to Hope & Adams.

    I had to exercise some extreme restraint at the cd shop... impulses wanted me to grab the new Laika, the Replacements collection, Ryan Adams, East River Pipe, Mojave 3, and the Pieces of April soundtrack (new Magnetic Fields songs!). Damn you, self-control!

  • Phillip Pullman: Lyra's Oxford - A short story follow-up to the epic His Dark Materials trilogy. I bought this last Friday and just plain inhaled it ... Pullman never fails to pull me in, even with a shorter amount of time in which to do it. A small but beautifully bound book with excellent wood block illustrations by John Lawrence. More, please. For a timely taste of his writing, check out this piece he wrote last week for the New York Times called "Why I Don't Believe In Ghosts".

  • Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground 1981-1991 - I'm very curious how Michael Azerrad chose to tackle this, and what bands he chooses to focus on. Looking forward to getting a little nostalgic, for sure... speaking of which...

  • The Creation Records Story: My Magpie Eyes Are Hungry for the Prize - The history of one of my favorite labels. Creation captain Alan McGee gave the world releases from the likes Ride, My Bloody Valentine, House of Love, Jesus & Mary Chain, the Boo Radleys... all legendary in their own rights, all worshipped by me to varying degrees. Can't wait to read the story behind the rise and fade.

  • Robert B. Parker: Shrink Rap - Boston-based mystery author Parker releases waaaay too many books for me to keep shelling out for hardcovers, so I've tested my patience and held out for paperback only. This latest one is a Sunny Randall story, and will be a welcome quick 'n easy read after trudging through the most recent Robert Jordan.

  • Simpsons Hit & Run - My limited collection of X-Box games grows by three, one of which is this Simpsons title that surprisingly does not suck. It's basically a bloodless, brighter GTA3, and I'm loving it. A storyline from the show writers, original dialogue from the cast, tons of vehicles (Mr Plow!), and most of Springfield layed out for you to explore. Last night I climbed up to an old Monorail station, jumped into the banged up, abadoned front car, and jumped the track to cruise through the Springfield streets. Fun stuff, and I've barely begun.

  • Buffy: Chaos Bleeds - I think I'm pretty close to finishing up the original Buffy X-Box game, so I bought the new one to have it on deck. Considering my new Simpsons H&R habit, and my hope to one day finish Vice City, this one may have to wait awhile.

  • Solider of Fortune 2: Double Helix - I'm a sucker for a good first-person shooter, but haven't really tried one on the X-Box yet (I'm a converted consoler, former PC-only guy). This one sounds like a good start, although considering Killian's stellar recommendation for Call of Duty, and the in-progress Medal of Honor: Breakthrough expansion pack, I might be back on the PC very soon. Considering that XIII is out in a couple weeks, and the Midway Arcade Treasures Collection (20 games for 20 bucks! Gauntlet! Spy Hunter! Joust! Sinistar! Marble Madness! Gah!) soon after, I'd better double-time it. Those might have to go on the Christmas list.
I toldja I bought a bunch of stuff. Now it's a matter of finding the time to play / listen / read it all. Something's gotta give, and it just might end up being sleep-time.

So, what have you picked up lately that you're just loving? Any great books, games, or discs? Hmmmm?

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neil halstead
live in cambridge, ma
on november 14th, 2008
previously: joy formidable - boston 2011

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