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Friday, October 08, 2004
Well, that was a week right there, I tell ya. Waking up every morning a little more drained than the one before, refusing to believe that I really shouldn't be staying out so late on weeknights.
![]() On Monday evening, Amie and I spontaneously ended up at the Red Sox Rally, and old-school pep rally in Fenway park to kick off the playoffs. The team was out in Anaheim, practicing on an off-day, and being interviewed live on the big screen for a crowd of cheering thousands. Remy and Orsillo hosted the two-hour event from a stage that was extended from the dugout, and we were just a few rows away. The much-missed NESN hosts (I'd turn the tv down and listen to the radio if there wasn't a freakin' time delay) were visited on stage by Sox prez & CEO Larry Lucchino, former Sox pitcher Oil Can Boyd, and catcher Rich Gedman. Team mascot Wally the Green Monster worked the crowd like a pro, even leaning in for a quick cell-photo with Amie... ![]() Cross-country interviewees included Millar & Manny (showing off what was probably the fastest, craziest Red Sox celebratory handshake yet), along with Ortiz, Wakefield, Timlin, and more. We also got "Go Sox!" video clips from author Dennis Lehane, Denis Leary, Jimmy Fallon, Lenny Clarke... and John Kerry, to equal parts cheers and boooos. So why the booing from the homestate crowd? I'm guessing it's less politics and more this (see news & notes). The guy may never live that 'Manny Ortez' mistake down, but hey, he'll still win in New England. I've always hated the whole "Yankees Suck!" approach to being a Sox fan (not only is it classless, but they, um, don't suck), and was kinda embarrassed by (and for) all the idiots who incessantly chanted it that night for the TV cameras. A pro-Red Sox rally, for a playoff series against the Angels (aka not the Yankees), and they still can't leave that crap in their livingrooms? Ultra-weak. Unsurprisingly, I noticed that a lotta the people shouting that were the same ones who booed Kerry. Red Sox Nation has more than it's share of no-class citizens. ![]() Tuesday night was Rilo Kiley, of course. Still buzzing from that excellent show, I hardly caught up on sleep before Wednesday night's late Red Sox/Angels game. Up until 2am, early to rise for a long workday and another show... this time the Green Magnet School reunion show at the Middle East. Great to see those guys on stage after so long, they rocked the post-1AM crowd mightily, in two different lineups. Here, check out one of the songs they did. My mp3 recorder is workin' out pretty well. ![]() So that was early this morning... to bed at 3am, up for work four hours later. I'm draggin' like Beaver Dragon, hurtin' fer certain, runnin' on energy I don't have. But it's Friday afternoon, and there's an early quitting time on tap for a hopefully-satisfying Sox game. I can't believe I'm putting my faith behind a head full of ill-advised corn-rows. Today, they really are the Bo-Sox. (so funny, matt) ![]() Black Hearts at Wal-Mart You've gotta read this unbelievable Wal-Mart story over at Micki's. As if people didn't already have enough reason to loathe the place, this one puts 'em over the edge. ![]() You'll Wish You Had Less Fun... Great interview with Sealab 2021 co-creator Adam Reed over at Suicide Girls. He speaks of how Sealab came to be, and how hard they were hit by the loss of vocal-genius Harry Goz (Captain Murphy). Visit S.G. for the words... stay for the pictures. Oh, and if you're looking for some sweet Sealab sounds, swing by the Pod Six music section. Bunch of mp3s from the show, including "Fishin' Hole" by Dr. Virjay the Mahatmamas. I'm laughin' just thinkin' about that episode. Taking His Job and Shoving It... Wow, this man is angry. And rightly so. Read it and you'll understand. You'd be hard-pressed to find more frequent use of the word 'suck' on the web and not be at a p*rn site. ![]() Free Download Overload... So much music, so much hard drive space, so little time. We've got live recreations of every Swervedriver album over here, a few live tracks from American Analog Set over here, tons of random Sigur Ros songs over hnah, and a whole lotta Lou Barlow download links courtesy of this mp3 blog over hyah. ![]() "... This Is Your Lucky Day!" Discovered yesterday that Walter Schreifels' Walking Concert is hitting Boston on October 18th. That's awfully close, and a guaranteed sell-out, so I grabbed my ticket last night. Highly recommend you do the same if you're around here. ![]() S'enough for today, I suppose. Time to think about how I'm going to sneak outta here for the first pitch at 4 o'clock. My boss is a Yankees fan (it's ok, I like him anyway), so he's not giving me any sympathy. His response: "The real game's not on until 8!". Yeah, we'll see about that. ![]() |
![]() neil halstead live in cambridge, ma on november 14th, 2008 previously: joy formidable - boston 2011 recent posts on the 'nac...
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