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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
A couple recent comments here on the 'nac deserve some attention, so I'm using this post to shine a little light.
![]() First, from a gent named Jerry, who commented on my post about the ads from MoveOnPAC.org that will air during the Republican convention. Says Jerry... "I am a former Democrat is definitely voting for "W". As a retired military officer, I hope someone in the Marine Corps is planning to court martial the sorry Marine who's featured on MoveOn.com -- Sergeant Lee Buttrill, USMC -- for his traitorous remarks about the U.S. military's efforts to free Iraq. Buttrill is featured in a video that MoveOn is planning to run as a pro-Kerry commercial during the Republican convention. He is a disgrace to the military and his country. He must think he's being Kerry-esque by "serving his country" then coming back and vomiting on it. Try checking out the website of Swiftboat Veterans for Truth if you can stand to consider an alternate viewpoint of Kerry's four MONTHS in 'Nam."I'll address my words to Jerry, despite the fact that this is obviously a canned spam job (informing me that 'Buttrill is featured in a video that MoveOn is planning to run' in a comment to a post that already says that means he apparently didn't take time to tailor his cut and paste). I wonder if that grammatically unfortunate first sentence is just for me? Let's take a look... ah ha. Here's the same comment over on a MyDD.com thread, but with a few extra acronyms like TDY, FITREP, and POTUS... which means he must be a former military man, right? I mean, as if calling it 'Nam wasn't proof enough. My favorite part is "... if you can stand to consider an alternate viewpoint." Niiice one, Jerry. Actually, I know all about the "Swift Boat Veterans for Bush", sorry, "Truth", and the fact that they are funded by Bob Perry, the biggest Republican campaign donor in (wait for it...) Texas. But you knew that already, right Jer? I've said it before and I'll say it now: The real, and most devious, traitors to this country are the ones who continually turn a blind eye to what is arguably the most damaging presidential term in our nation's short history. Or worse, that eye is wide open, and they knowingly support this administration's policies. To me, Sergeant Lee Buttrill is even more a hero than he was during his time abroad... clearly standing up for his beliefs, subjecting himself to criticisms from people like you, because he's compelled to do what he believes is right. In the meantime, you sit behind your keyboard, googling for mentions of his name, trolling to paste your vitriol with a couple mouse clicks. Pathetic. I don't care that much about Kerry's distant past, and I'm hardly the person to call on to defend him. I disagree with him on more than a few issues, and think we could do better. But that's quite honestly beside the point. It's a total non-issue. He's the man to beat Bush, and despite the cookie-cutter attack-dog efforts of people like you, Jerry, he'll do that in a couple months. In four years we can decide if more change is needed, but for now the short-term goal is clear... Defend America: Defeat Bush. ![]() In the same thread, I mentioned that my favorite of all the MoveOn ads was Rhonda Nix's. Surprisingly, Rhonda herself showed up in the comments to say thanks. My pleasure, Rhonda, and you're the one who deserves the thanks for speaking out. I still hope your ad gets some airtime. ![]() Y'know that instant-classic Bush 'sovereignty' quote I posted a couple weeks back? Well, someone is sharing up C-Span's video of it... and it's so much more painful than the written word. You can actually hear the crowd laugh at him. Amazing. ![]() |
![]() neil halstead live in cambridge, ma on november 14th, 2008 previously: joy formidable - boston 2011 recent posts on the 'nac... on the nightstand boston-area music bloggers
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