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Friday, March 11, 2005
Time to clear the cache of all the things I wanted to mention while I was writing about Teenbeat... ![]() Set the TiVo: Low will be appearing on Last Call tonight. Behold the power of Sub Pop. ![]() Some proof that wishful blogging can really work... In my best-of-2004 music post, I wrote about things I was looking forward to in '05, and I half-jokingly hoped for the reappearance of the criminally underrated and long-dormant Minneapolis trio Arcwelder. I love 'em, I miss 'em. So a few days ago I read that Shellac is playing a few dates in April, and opening up the first show is... freakin' Arcwelder. Hell yeah. I figure if I mention that I'm hoping for more Arcwelder shows and maybe some recordings that it might actually happen, right? Consider it wished for. ![]() Fabchannel is, um, fab. High-quality streaming broadcasts of live shows that get archived for later viewing. Not only can you check out stored shows by Low, British Sea Power, Guided By Voices, Nada Surf and tons more, but this afternoon you can watch the Arcade Fire on stage in Amsterdam, and on April 4th they've got a Wedding Present gig scheduled. The site is pretty well-designed, and even has a feature that will send you an email reminder before a broadcast. Nice. ![]() Billy Bragg continues to sell official live recordings through his website, with #4, recorded last year at the Barbican in London, on deck for release 'any day now'. If you're not in a paying mood, you can grab a few tracks from the 33 song set for free on his main page, or get three previous songs right here. (thanks, hold my life) ![]() Jon Spencer (Pussy Galore / Blues Explosion) and Matt Verta-Ray (Speedball Baby) have teamed up to become Heavy Trash. Their self-titled debut is out in April, and you can check out the preview track 'Justine Alright' here. ![]() Well, this is a pretty novel event: Morrissey on the big screen. Yes, his upcoming live DVD 'Who Put The "M" In Manchester?' will debut in select cities around the U.S. on March 28th at 8:30pm, including a showing here in Boston. According to the press release, the screening will include a performance of 'How Soon Is Now?' that's not on the DVD. Tickets are $10 and will be available 'soon', according to this site. ![]() I love opening up my RSS reader and seeing a new post titled "EXCLUSIVE COLIN CLARY INTERVIEW!". Hell, I love seeing Colin's name anywhere online, but this new interview at Heraclitus Sayz is one of the best, no the best, chat with Mr. Clary I've ever read. Lots of insight into his songwriting and attitudes towards creating and recording music. Plus, a pretty comprehensive look at the bands he's in and has been in. Yes, even the Flaming Hetts are mentioned. Hetts rule! ![]() Things that everyone and their blogger brother has already mentioned but I can't not link to...
![]() This show is already listed on the left, but it's worth pointing out... The Lucksmiths are returning to Boston, playing PA's Lounge in Somerville on May 7th with Ladybug Transistor. Cannot wait to see those Aussies again. ![]() Boston-based mystery author Robert B. Parker will be making a rare reading appearance at the Brattle Theater on March 24th. Check out Exploit Boston! for details. ![]() On my teevee screen lately...
![]() Hey, Bostonites... I've got a bunch of extra passes to an April 6th preview of Stephen Chow's new flick Kung Fu Hustle. The guy's nuts, his films are pretty out there, usually damn entertaining. I loved God of Cookery, but missed out on Shaolin Soccer (it's in the Netflix queue), so I'm psyched for this. If you wanna join me, drop a comment. ![]() Speaking of Netflix, are there any Almanac readers out there who use it and love it? Let me know in the comments, and I'll add you to my Netflix Friends page. I'm always into seeing what other people are renting. ![]() Wow, has Blogger been biting the big one lately, or what? Terrible performance over the past couple days, intermittent trouble over the past couple months. Not sure if their user growth is outpacing their server space, but yeesh it's been frustrating. My last Teenbeat post was delayed about a day, and the glitches have forced me to never click 'publish' or 'save' without first copying all my post text into a notepad document. Otherwise, I'd have lost way too many words. I think Google needs to throw some of the extra stock-funded cash toward a bunch of new servers, some extra techs, or at least some customer service to keep users updated. The Blogger status page is completely worthless. (perfect irony: as of right now, the status page isn't even up!) I'll be lucky if I'm able to post this entry before I leave work today. ![]() And last, but very far from least, I'm obliged to do some personal plugging so you can plan your weekend accordingly... I'm making my long-awaited (well, by me anyway) return to my seat behind the drum kit on Sunday night, playing in the band Charlene at TTs. It's been a hectic couple of weeks getting ready for this thing while I test my new bandmates' patience learning songs that they already know by heart. I think I'm almost ready, though... just in the nick of time. ![]() We're on at 10 o'clock, that's Sunday, March 13th, playing just after the wonderful Broken River Prophet (who have a brand new website. arrive early, don't miss 'em!), and just before Hood, on tour from the UK. If you end up going, say hello. I'll be the nervous guy drinking hopefully just the right number of beers. ![]() |
![]() neil halstead live in cambridge, ma on november 14th, 2008 previously: joy formidable - boston 2011 recent posts on the 'nac...
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