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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Another winter solstice, with less daylight today than any other day this year. From here on out, thankfully, they just start gettin' longer. All I really want is a little daylight when I get out of work... that'd be just fine.
![]() Saw a preview of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou last night. Another great Wes Anderson movie, although not quite as good as his previous stuff (Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, & The Royal Tennenbaums). Didn't really get under my skin quite the way those did, and it came dangerously close to over-the-top quirkiness at points, backing away just in time. Lots of great moments, but I'm not givin' them away, don't worry. I even wish I hadn't seen the trailers first. Y'know, I'd pay to see Bud Cort in a sequel called "Bill Ubell: Bond Company Stooge" anyday. So good. Speaking of last night... what is the deal with the freakish paranoia by movie theaters & studios when it comes to cellphones with cameras in 'em? The hired security goons scanned Amie and I with metal detectors, then forced us to take our phones out to the car. Are they afraid we're going to snap random, blurry pics in the middle of the screening? And 'release' them five days before the movie comes out? Do these people think we live in some futuristic society where cellphones can record an entire film worth a digital damn? I'm just stumped. ![]() I know that anyone who cares enough has seen the Batman Begins trailer by now (in quicktime, finally), but this one here has me even more excited: Frank Miller's Sin City. Long promised to be the most literal translation of a comic book to the screen, the more I see the higher my hopes get. Oh, and could this remake be any more unnecessary. Sheesh. ![]() The Wire's third season wrapped up in brilliant fashion on Sunday night, I thought. Many on messageboards were let down, expecting fireworks after the stellar preceeding episode, but I thought it was just right. Perfect way to wrap up the season, maybe even the series (it felt like it, didn't it?), while still leaving doors open for next year. We can only hope. Or maybe sign a petition. A fast-growing one has appeared for Wire fans to beg for that fourth season, so sign up if you think it'll do any good. I don't have a lot of faith in those kinda things, but what the hell. ![]() |
![]() neil halstead live in cambridge, ma on november 14th, 2008 previously: joy formidable - boston 2011 recent posts on the 'nac...
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